Collection: Stomach

Understanding the Stomach and Its Importance

  • Simple Explanation: The stomach is like a mixer in our body's kitchen, breaking down food to give us energy and nutrients. Keeping it healthy is crucial for good digestion and overall health.

Common Stomach Ailments

  • Relatable Terms: Common issues include indigestion (when food doesn't break down well), ulcers (painful sores in the stomach lining), gastritis (stomach inflammation), and acid reflux (when acid moves up into the throat).

Yerbasantas Method: A Natural Approach to Stomach Health

  • Overall Concept: At Yerbasantas, we take a gentle, nature-based approach to help your stomach heal and function better, focusing on cleansing and then nourishing it with the right nutrients.

Phase 1: Cleansing

  • Fasting: This is like giving your stomach a rest, allowing it to recover and strengthen.
  • Alkaline Juice Fasting: Sipping special juices to help cleanse your stomach gently.
  • Incorporating Alkaline Herbs: Using specific herbs that help in soothing and cleansing the stomach.

Phase 2: Cellular Nourishment

  • Post-Cleansing Nutrition: Introducing stomach-friendly, alkaline foods and herbs that are like a soothing balm for your stomach cells.
  • Focus on Alkaline Plants: Selecting plants known for their stomach-healing properties.

Yerbasantas Products for Stomach Health

  • Herbs & Supplements:
  • Educational Resources


  • Encouragement: Embrace a holistic path to stomach health with Yerbasantas. Our approach, rooted in nature, is designed to bring comfort and balance to your stomach, helping you feel your best every day.