By Yerbassantas


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Anacahuite Raw Herb is a natural treasure from traditional herbal medicine, known for its remarkable benefits in respiratory health. Originating from Mexico, this herb is highly valued for its ability to soothe and support the respiratory system.

Anacahuite is especially effective in easing symptoms of common colds, bronchitis, and other respiratory ailments. Its natural properties work to calm coughs, reduce inflammation in the throat and lungs, and help clear mucus, making breathing easier.

In addition to its respiratory benefits, Anacahuite is also known for its skin-healing properties. It can be used in various skin applications to help with issues like minor wounds and skin irritations, promoting faster healing and soothing inflamed skin.

This herb is perfect for those seeking natural ways to support their respiratory health and skin care. Anacahuite Raw Herb offers a gentle yet effective solution, rooted in the rich herbal traditions of Mexico, for maintaining overall well-being.



This item weighs a total of 55g.

  1. Respiratory Health

  2. Cough Relief

  3. Anti-Inflammatory

  4. Mucus Clearance

  5. Skin Healing

How to Make Anacahuite Herbal Infusion:

  1. Measure: Use 1-2 teaspoons of dried Anacahuite Herb per cup.

  2. Boil Water: Heat a cup of water until it boils.

  3. Steep: Put Anacahuite Herb in a teapot or infuser. Pour the hot water over it.

  4. Wait: Let it steep for 5-10 minutes minimum.

  5. Strain: Remove the herb particles.

  6. Enjoy: Drink the tea plain or add agave syrup, maya honey, date syrup if you like.

  1. Q1: How often should Anacahuite tea be consumed for maximum benefits? A1: Anacahuite tea can be consumed up to two to three times a day for maximum benefits. 

    Q2: Can Anacahuite be used as a preventive measure for respiratory ailments? A2: Anacahuite has been traditionally used to support respiratory health. 

    Q3: What is the recommended dosage for Anacahuite for children? A3: The recommended dosage of Anacahuite for children may vary depending on the age and specific health condition.

    Q4: Are there any known side effects of using Anacahuite? A4: While Anacahuite is generally considered safe when used appropriately.

Our selection features only the finest Natural Alkaline remedies, perfectly attuned to the human body. Rich in essential nutrients and minerals, each product is designed to support your body's natural healing process from within, promoting health and well-being in every aspect.